Gracie Grants

We give grants that keep kids safe.

Do you run an organization that is welcoming to LGBTQ+ youth and their families? Are you a community center that wants to expand your reach to families like ours? Are you serving LGBTQ+ youth in a rural area?

Apply for a Gracie Grant!

Criteria for Grants

To be eligible for a Gracie Grant, you must:

  • Provide safe spaces (LGBTQ+ proms, Pride events, gender affirming closets, LGBTQ+ libraries, mutual aid for community members, food pantries, etc.)

  • Provide programming for LGBTQ+ youth and their families in rural communities such as karaoke nights, craft nights, literary events, and community education—helping those in rural areas learn about Pride and why it matters.

  • Offer programs for creative expression for LGBTQ+ youth, including music, art, writing, and any other creative endeavors.

  • Offer nature programming, hikes, camping, and outdoor education to LGBTQ+ youth and their families.

  • Be in operation for two years, minimum.

  • More details on the application below.

See our non-discrimination policy here.